7. Southern and Northen workers in the Contemporary Globalization


Mosaic lamps in a warhouse in Firozabad. Photo: A.Kaba, 2021.

The criss-crossed exchanges around bangles and Christmas balls show how Eurasian glass production centres have always been, and are still being, deeply shaped, by globalization processes. Nowadays, both Firozabad and Meisenhtal advertise their Christmas decoration goods in the same fairs, for example at Maisons et Objets, in Vincennes, where Firozabadi industrials travel to propose their decoration goods to French wholesalers, and where the CIAV also exhibits its production. The concurrence is not direct though. The Firozabadi producers are the first to admit that their cheaper products are on a lower bracket of quality than the European craft goods . But there are exceptions: besides Jean Michel Othoniel's prestigious collaboration with Firozabad, some companies here produce 'designe' which can be sold at middle range prices (60-600 euros following the size). CIAV's Christmas balls range from 10-20 euros and vases 60-1000 euros).


Christmas ball inside a warehouse in Suhag Nagar, Firozabad, as prototypes to atteact foreign customers. Photo: A. Kaba, 2022

Beyond concurrence, there has also been links of collaboration between Firozabad and Meisenthal. Contemporary artist and filmmaker François Daireaux made a project linking the two production centres, 'blow bangles', in which he asked Meisenthal's glass craftsmen to blow vases made with bangles from Firozabad.


A glass globe from Firozabad. Now it's India exporting its silver-coated globes to Europe?

7. Southern and Northen workers in the Contemporary Globalization