Additional Videowork about West Indian Carnivals and Trinidad (TT).

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Traversée/Tranverse / Ouverture/Aperture


Visual video essay in French. Trad eng: "Transversal/Crossing-Openings."

Commissioned by Villa Diaclase Blog, this is a series of video essays about at the time ongoing doctoral research in Trinidad and Tobago. 

It investigates mixing experimentally ethnographic data, poetry, and image juxtaposition. 

The first video essay introduces the country: its geopolitical information, and a summary of its history. 

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Traversée/Tranverse II  Diviner-Divine Body 


Visual video essay in French. Trad eng: "Transversal/Crossing-Diviner-Divine Body"

Commissioned by Villa Diaclase Blog, this is a series of video essays about at the time ongoing doctoral research in Trinidad and Tobago. 

It investigates mixing experimentally ethnographic data, poetry, and image juxtaposition. 

The second video essay explores its prcatice of carnival.

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Traversée/Transverse III Layers/Adstratum


Visual video essay in French. Trad eng: "Transversal/Crossing-Layers/Adstratum."

Commissioned by Villa Diaclase Blog, this is a series of video essays about at the time ongoing doctoral research in Trinidad and Tobago. 

It investigates mixing experimentally ethnographic data, poetry, and image juxtaposition. 

The second video essay investigates onerically the intercrossed cohabitation of religions in the country. 

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Traversée/Tranverse IV Vide/Plein


Visual video essay in French. Trad eng: "Transversal/Crossing-Empyness/Fullness."

Commissioned by Villa Diaclase Blog, this is a series of video essays about at the time ongoing doctoral research in Trinidad and Tobago. 

It investigates mixing experimentally ethnographic data, poetry, and image juxtaposition. 

The forth video essay explores audiovisually the sense of emptiness and fullness in the natural and social sites of Trinidad. 

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Migrations V


Visual video essay in French. Trad eng: "Migrations V."

This last video essay is the last part of Villa Diaclase's commission.

Produced autonomously, it concludes the series of video essays about at the time ongoing doctoral research in Trinidad and Tobago. 

It investigates mixing experimentally ethnographic data, poetry, and image juxtaposition. 

The fifth video essay explores the question of multiple migrations pst enslavement and indentured labor trade. 

Additional Videowork about West Indian Carnivals and Trinidad (TT).