Step 1: This written body of work takes inspiration from the multilingual feminist and decolonial writing practice of Gloria E. Anzaldúa, who focuses on translanguaging the borderlands. It follows my regular life and way of thinking and observing.

The text voluntarily uses a multilingual register to convey the complex multimodality I permanently experience as a displaced person, researcher, and creative creator. It adds juxtaposed interpretative nuances and questions based on plural backgrounds and systems of meaning that belong to each language's context and feelings. 

Step 2: The audiovisual work offers a series of still images and videos taken while I was participating in the costumes’ construction and supporting the logistic of the mas' camp. It was an exercise of multitasking, learning by doing, and feeling together in a Communitas of joy (Edith Turner 2012), vitiated by a sensation of economic risk and global managerial competition. 

Step 3: The text, the images, and the videos are part of the same body of work; they follow a coherent narrative.

Step 4: Enjoy and share!